Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

WOW! Another wonderful Christmas!!! Julian had so much fun!!! From putting cookies out for Santa and eating them to opening the MANY many memories...can't wait till next year!!!

So Many Presents!!!

Julian LOVES all of her new toys!!! From an Elmo backpack from Santa to her new baby doll set complete with highchair, play yard and stroller from Pye!!! She is busy, busy, busy with everything!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I guess we have ourselves a "cowgirl!" Julian did this trick on her own, then Mommy decided to recreate the situation with the help of Daddy for video purposes! Much cuter the first time, but I wanted to share the moment!!! We may have to get her a helmet!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Julian's "Mummy" made her class these great "Mummy" cupcakes!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Fall Yall

We been busy, busy, busy and mommy's camera is on again off again so she's been slipping on the pictures. We did visit the Pumpkin Patch last weekend--we had a blast!!!

Hurricane Ike

OK, better late than never, right??
For those of you who've been concerned about us in the wake of Hurricane Ike--Sept.13, 2008; and for those who are just curious about what it looked like out here...

The first two are the morning the storm made landfall, Mike and Steve went to the house to elevate ALL of our belonging so we wouldn't lose anything!!!
This is Gulf Highway at BlackBayou!!! And CalCam Line Road!!!

These were taken the day after the storm and the water had gone down quiet a bit!!! We received about 2 1/2-3 inches in the house ---yuck!!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

We are evacuating 1st thing in the morning!!! We are hoping j wakes us up early and we can get on the road b/f everyone else!!!
Mike does not have to go to work on Monday and they are shutting down his plant tomorrow.
We are heading to Rusk, TX it's near Jacksonville, TX...somewhere b/w Shreveport, LA and Dallas, TX--states included for our Canadian friends..little geography lesson, eh Tina??
We are hoping our area is not a direct hit or east of the landfall like last time, in that case we will probably head to Austin or San Antonio, TX until things are sort of back to "normal"
We roughed it last time and I am not interested in doing that with a 14 month old : )
You can catch us via email b/c cell phones are already going crazy...not surprised!!!

Be Safe

Friday, August 1, 2008

Cake Decorating

No, I am not taking this cake decorating to the next level--I still have a wonderful friend who is the best at cake decorating!!! All in all we didn't do too bad--the pics make them look a lot better! Sure was fun though--Thanks Shaunna! : )

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Julian's 1st Birthday

Our little birthday girl started celebrating her 1st birthday on Thursday(her actual birthday), she continued her celebration on Saturday with her cupcake birthday party and ended her partying on Monday with her daycare party!!! She didn't smash her birthday cake like everyone expected her to, but she had a great time with her family and friends celebrating with her! Mommy & Daddy surprised her with her 1st 4wheeler! Finally on her THIRD party she knew what to do with the cake--might of had something to do with the CHOCOLATE!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Family Trip to Mississippi

We took a trip to Biloxi, Mississippi. We made a stop in Crowley to drop off Kaine with Granny and Pappy. Yes, that's Julian and Kaine in the backseat--aren't they cute??!!
Another stop was the New Orleans Zoo--Julian had lots of fun!!! We hit the beach, and Julian enjoyed watching the birds and meeting the other kids!!! Her favorite part of the trip was the hotel--she loved bouncing from furniture to furniture and getting off of the bed!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day at the Beach

I enjoyed my 1st day at the beach--Rutherford Beach!!! Aint it beautiful, it's all we've got!!! I had fun splashing in the waves with daddy, playing with my friends and eating sand!!!

1st 4th of July

Friday, June 20, 2008

Weekend at Granny & Pappy's

Look at all the fun I am having with my Granny & Pappy!!!
Mommy is hoping that this will help me learn to walk---
I can go FAST!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summertime Fun in the Sun

I am using my time wisely this summer and I guess it's time to start a blog for our family. It will be much easier for you to visit and see what we've been up to!!! Enjoy and let me know what you think!