Monday, November 30, 2009

It's beginning to look alot like Chistmas...

Nothing like a Pink Christmas

Mommy bought me a PINK Christmas Tree!!! Complete with PINK Hello Kitty ornaments and a Disney Princess skirt!!! WOW...what more could a girl ask for? Check out how serious I am while decorating my tree...I get that from my Mom! Daddy helped, too and Reed watched from his bouncy chair. After we finished decorating, I had to call everyone and tell them about the final product...BEAUTIFUL!!!

Little Gobblers

Nanny Kaela made us these nifty Little Turkey shirts...Thanks Nanny!!!
Julian is still smitten with her little brother...can't you tell? The proud big sister!
And a silly girl, too! Check out her turkey feet! Pink of course!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Fun!!!

We visited the Pumpkin Patch for the past three years!!! and every year it keeps getting better and better! This year we again took Granny and Pappy, but this year Julian could show her baby brother all the pumpkins!!! We also were joined by MawMaw, PawPaw, Nanny, Uncle Erik, Gram and Palmer! Wow! What a wonderful afternoon!

It was hard to get pictures of all the kidos as they ran around and had so much fun...I did manage to get a shot of two, no wait three, of the cousins in one surprise Julian is no where to be found!

Julian carefully selected a pumpkin for herself and home we decorated with scary stickers!!!

Y'all come back now!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Two in the Tub is Twice as Much Fun!!!

OK...for those of you looking for an update daily and haven't found it is!

We've made it home and have survived the first two weeks with two kids!!! Reed is a wonderful baby, much like his sister Julian when she arrived! He sleeps well through the night and is beginning to stay up much longer during the day! Julian is adjusting well and LOVES her Baby Brother! Big Sister loves to hold her brother and read to him!

Julian had a blast giving Reed his first official bath!

We took Reed to the doctor today for his two week checkup...he weighs in at a whopping 8 pounds...that's a 2 pound gain since birth!!! OH, MY!

Our two little pumpkins!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Reed Michael is Here!!!

Reed Michael made his arrival yesterday afternoon at 3:57pm.
6 pounds 3 ounces and 19.25 inches

Mommy, Daddy and Big Sister are all doing great! Julian is a great big sister...she watched closely as Reed had his first bath and helped open his(and her) many

We love our new baby boy!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Maternity Pictures

We captured this beautiful family moment during our recent maternity pictures...we also got lots of Miss Photogenic!!! Always stealing the show...wait till the new baby comes...what is she ever going to do???

Houston Aquarium

As an end to summer, we took a quick trip to Houston to visit the Aquarium!!! We took along my cousin Hunter!!! We had so much fun...we saw alligators that go, "Snap!" and White Tigers that jump up at your Daddy when he taps on the glass, "Daddy! You scared us!" Mommy even let me video with her camera!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Julian's Birthday Weekend!!!

Wow!!! What a's Thursday and I think I've recouped enough to actually look at birthday pics and start posting them!!! Julian celebrated in style this year...starting out Friday night at her favorite restaurant...Cancun, of course!

Saturday afternoon was her big Caramel Apple party at home with lots of friends and family!

All this swimming makes a girl hungry!!! And what's a girl to eat at her birthday party? Her very own Caramel Apple Cake!!! Yum!

And on Monday, a party with friends from school!!!

What's a girl to do when she's loved by so many people? Have a party of course! And boy is she lucky she's got a great Mom who likes to throw parties and a crafty Nanny, who loves to help out! Julian loved the MANY presents she received, and showed it by exclaiming "WOW" with every one!!! She's even a pro at blowing out her birthday candles!!! Mommy hopes she wished for her baby brother or sister to sleep through the night!!!