Monday, May 31, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Scott

We attended the most amazing wedding in Windsor, Canada...we are visiting with our friends in Canada, and Tina and Greg tied the knot on Saturday evening!!! If you ever watch Platnium Weddings and just get green with envy, this wedding was BETTER!!!

From the moment the bride took her position at the back of the aisle to the wedding night ending in the ER...we will never forget this event!
I should have not expect anything less from such and amazing woman...If you think we like to "pass a good time" in LA, our friends in Canada are not far behind us!

At the ceremony Tina and her father processed up the aisle to a very popular hip hop beat...Man Mickey's got moves!
Again at the reception entrance, more upbeat hip hop, lots of high fives, oh and shots by the bridal party!!! For dinner we ate way too much delicious name we had it...complete with cake balls and ice cream sundaes!!!
Oh and I have to mention the PHOTO BOOTH...GOOD TIMES!
Check them out at:
click on gallery and then Tina and Greg
As Southern tradition has it if the younger sibling marries before the older sibling they dance with the broom...Canadian's dance with in the bucket! Good job Nate...great entertainment!!!
ER UPDATE: Greg is doing fine in the hospital...kidney stone removed last night, and he is awaiting discharge from the hospital!
We are leaving this morning for Chicago with Mrs. Scott and Wayne...more posts later!

Monday, May 24, 2010

New House

So sorry to those of you who've been waiting for updates on the new house...We've moved in! Two weeks tonight and man have we been internet doesn't help either!!!

Julian always manages to get in a little pool time, and Mommy and Daddy love that she can play on concrete and not get dirt and grass in the pool!

We've been going for nightly walks around the neighborhood!!! Julian tries to ride her bike, but doesn't make it very far...she loved hopping in the stroller with Reed...they were tight in the little one I have, but Nanny dropped off this double one that fits them nicely...THANKS!

Mommy found the new bar stools she's been wanting...I am sure the kiddos are going to love them too!

Kaine's been hanging out at GranGran and PaPa's till we get a fence for him...Looks like he's having a good time to me!

Friday in LC brings music, dancing
Oh and we can't forget the past two Friday's we've visited Downtown at Sundown! This week Julian and her dancing gene earned her a spot in the Sunday's American Press! Here she is dancing with our Grand Lake neighbor, Kennedy LeBleu! Too cute!!!

I promise to give you more pics of the new house when return from our vacation to visit friends marry in Canada and then a fun trip with them to Chicago...what a way to start summer!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Big 4wheeling

I think it's time for a real 4wheeler...I can drive now!!!